
Chroma ATE INC.



Label-free Identification for Faster Mixed Production

"Object ID Recognition System" that quickly recognizes comparable workpieces. It uses single or multiple laser measurement devices to obtain the surface values of objects and compares the results of edge computing with the model characteristics recorded on the host, for instant recognition of the workpiece. There is no need for any temporary label or barcode throughout the specific manufacturing process.



Chroma Dashboard for Real-Time Integration of All Production Data

The manufacturing industry reached another major milestone in this era of smart manufacturing. Let production equipment connect to the Internet, integrate a variety of machine data onto the dashboard, and achieve fast and intelligent data analysis.


Current password

  • 8-16 bits
  • Uppercase letters [A-Z]
  • Lowercase letters [a-z]
  • Number [0-9]

New password

  • 8-16 bits
  • Uppercase letters [A-Z]
  • Lowercase letters [a-z]
  • Number [0-9]

Confirm Pasword

  • 8-16 bits
  • Uppercase letters [A-Z]
  • Lowercase letters [a-z]
  • Number [0-9]